Rauma-neuleita, “Lace” jumpers

I fell in love with this jumper pattern the minute I saw it! The design was inspired by Finnish bobbin lace from Rauma, the lace capital of our country. The idea for the jumper came from lace maker Tarmo Thorström, of whom I have written before. His vision was supported and funded by the Rauma town, and designed into a pattern together with expert knitter Katrina Salo. A couple of years later the free pattern is available in several languages and is being knitted all over the world 🙂

Lace for pin cushions, pitsiä neulatyynyn reunaan

After finishing my knitted silk stocking project I've had time get other things done too! I'll post about the stocking later, but here are two bobbin lace edgings I've been working on and just managed to sew into pin cushions. The blue one is a copy of a very pretty pin cushion that Greta from… Continue reading Lace for pin cushions, pitsiä neulatyynyn reunaan

Dressing up for the 17th century, 1600-luvun vaatteissa.

Here's my son and his girlfriend posing in their 17th century re-enactment gear 🙂 Both have hand sewn their outfits themselves, out of wool and linen cloth with unbleached linen thread and using the patterns and methods of that era. The coif or cap and my son's cuffs and collar are my contribution. (See reference… Continue reading Dressing up for the 17th century, 1600-luvun vaatteissa.

Lace making course, nypläyskurssilla

Warning: this is a long post on my wonderful trip to Scotland! In the picture above the samples I made during my lace making course. We were very lucky to have a fantastic teacher in the very talented lacemaker Jean Leader! * Ensiksi varoitus: tämä on pitkä postaus ihanasta matkasta Skotlantiin! Yllä nypläyskurssilla tekemäni mallikappaleet. Opettajamme… Continue reading Lace making course, nypläyskurssilla

Bobbin lace practice, nypläysharjoituksia

I've made lace in many different ways but this past summer I've been learning something that I thought I'd never even try - making bobbin lace. By chance I stumbled on a lace making course in Scotland which just sounded too wonderful to miss! (Thanks Susie!) So now I'm neck deep in yet another engulfing hobby...… Continue reading Bobbin lace practice, nypläysharjoituksia