Lumikello lapaset, Snowdrop mittens

Nämä kirjoneulelapaset suunnittelin itse kun ei löytynyt sopivaa ohjetta. Nuokkuvat kukka-aiheet muistuttavat lumikelloja, siitä nimi lapasille. The wool for these mittens is a Finnish fingering weight lambswool from Tukuwool. After searching for a suitable pattern I finally designed it myself. The drooping flowers remind me of snow drops, hence the name.

Gingerbread facades, piparkakkujulkisivuja

I always look at the beautiful houses of my home town Helsinki with my gingerbread house glasses on! After a couple of years' break I decided to make it easy by limiting the build to the facades. These two, just by chance (🤔), have been designed by the same famous architects Grahn, Hedman & Wasastjerna at the turn of the 20th century.

Rauma-neuleita, “Lace” jumpers

I fell in love with this jumper pattern the minute I saw it! The design was inspired by Finnish bobbin lace from Rauma, the lace capital of our country. The idea for the jumper came from lace maker Tarmo Thorström, of whom I have written before. His vision was supported and funded by the Rauma town, and designed into a pattern together with expert knitter Katrina Salo. A couple of years later the free pattern is available in several languages and is being knitted all over the world 🙂

Gingerbread Margaux

Introducing my gingerbread version from 2014 of one of the most iconic and recognizable Bordeaux wineries, Château Margaux, since I won't be making a gingerbread house this year. The back side of the building has a beautiful pair of curved stairs. The front steps are guarded by sphinxes. One of mine has a rather damaged… Continue reading Gingerbread Margaux

The golden yellow silk stocking

The historical silk stocking I knitted two years ago was dyed last summer by the Refashioning the Renaissance research team. I had a chance to photograph the stocking last week, so here is the last update on my huge knitting project of two years back. The fustic dye (maclura tinctoria, keltapuu in Finnish) gave a… Continue reading The golden yellow silk stocking

Acid dyes for lingerie, happovärejä alusvaatteisiin

I was so pleased with my first experiment with acid dyes 🙂 Sounds complicated and even dangerous to those not familiar with it, but you just need a dye, white vinegar to make the dye bath acidic and a pot to heat water in. And the dyes themselves are quite safe to use (provided you… Continue reading Acid dyes for lingerie, happovärejä alusvaatteisiin

Replica of a historical silk stocking, historiallisen silkkisukan kopio

This is a replica of a stocking dating from around 1650, that was found in the tomb of Elisabeth Bure in the Turku Cathedral. If you've been wondering whatever happened to this project, I did finish my version of this historical silk stocking, not too long after my previous post well over a year ago.… Continue reading Replica of a historical silk stocking, historiallisen silkkisukan kopio

Gluteeniton ja vegaaninen Runebergin torttu, Runeberg cake “free from” version

Tänä vuonna olen kokeillut erikoisruokavaliolle sopivia Runebergin torttuja. Näitä mainioita herkkuja olen leiponut jo pari kertaa sillä luottoreseptini muokkautui helposti vaihtamalla vain ainekset gluteenittomiksi ja vegaanisiksi! Alkuperäinen resepti on sivuilta. 200 g margariinia 1-2 dl (fariini)sokeria 2 tl Orgran No Egg kananmunankorviketta sekoitettuna n 1/2 dl:aan vettä 2 dl gluteenittomia jauhoja yhteensä 4 dl… Continue reading Gluteeniton ja vegaaninen Runebergin torttu, Runeberg cake “free from” version