Lumikello lapaset, Snowdrop mittens

Nämä kirjoneulelapaset suunnittelin itse kun ei löytynyt sopivaa ohjetta. Nuokkuvat kukka-aiheet muistuttavat lumikelloja, siitä nimi lapasille. Olin ostanut Tukuwoolin suomalaista lampaanvillalankaa jo joitain vuosia sitten, murretut värit sointuivat mielestäni kauniisti yhteen.


The wool for these mittens is a Finnish fingering weight lambswool from Tukuwool, which has been waiting in my stash for a couple of years. After searching for a suitable pattern I finally designed it myself. The drooping flowers remind me of snow drops, hence the name.

Lapasen suussa on kukkakuvioinen koristeraita ja nurjin rivein neulotut kohoraidat. Hauskat nypyt syntyvät myös nurjien silmukoiden avulla sileän neuleen keskelle. Toiseen lapaseen käänsin ranteen kukkakuvion kulkemaan eri suuntaan.


The wrist band is made of a flower border and purl stitch bands. The little bumps inside the purl ribs are also made with purl stitches. I turned the flower pattern to run the other way for the second mitten.

Kämmenpuolella on yksinkertainen pallukkakuvio, jonka väritys vaihtuu lapasesta toiseen. Peukalo on perinteinen kiilamalli. Tiheällä kirjoneuleella syntyy tiivis ja lämmin pinta.


The palm side has a simple design in which I switched colour between the two mittens. The thumb is a traditional wedge shape and the dense stranded knitting will keep your hands warm.

Here’s the link to the pattern.

Cast on of 64 stitches with fingering weight yarn (32 st/10cm). Knit one row, purl 4 rows, knit 2 rows. Then knit a row of 2 st with the contrast colour 2 st with the main colour, and another row so that you purl the contrast colour. Continue knitting 2 rows with the main colour and then 4 purl rows… Once you start the colourwork pattern remember to bind the stranded yarn every 3-5 st so that you don’t leave long floats inside your mitten. 

The placement of the thumb is marked with red. To make the wedge for the thumb add a st every other row on either side of this stitch. Knit the added stitches in your main colour by picking up a strand between stitches and knitting it from the back i.e. twisted. Alternate the colours for your added thumb stitches so that you have two st of the same colour on top of each other. On row 70, after you have finished the wedge for the thumb, move these 19 st to wait and cast on one st to compensate for the “red” one. Continue the pattern with these 64 until you come to the decreases at the top. Make the decreases with skpo (slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over) on the right side and knit 2 together on the left side of the pattern with your main colour so that you continue having the same 5 st of the side panel right to the top. When you have decreased all the pattern st cast off the remaining 10 st. Knit the thumb by picking up another 3 st from the back of the thumb opening. Continue with these 22 st and the established colourwork until the thumb covers about half of your thumb nail. Decrease 4 st per row until you have 6 st left and cast off. Block your mittens by dampening them to smoothen the surface and even out the colourwork.

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